Bleach is a short drama that follows an isolated and lost character Jay, an androgynous female who leaves home in search of Shane, the estranged father and local debt collector.
Bleach is set within a down-beat coastal town on the south coast of England. The narrative focuses on an isolated and lost character Jay, an androgynous female who leaves home in search of Shane, the estranged father and notorious local debt collector. Jay unexpectedly enters the local boxing gym scene that is owned and ran by Shane in an attempt to grow closer and reconnect with her father. All the while dealing with the inner conflict of her sexuality and self confidence. In an unlikely turn of events, Jay happens to befriend some of the local youths that hang around Shane's Boxing Gym, 'Cheetahs' and part time work for T&L credit, Shane's debt collection business. Though through these new found relationships do we find Jay wrapped up in an experience that makes her question everything about what and who she started looking for.
2022 •17 min -
1969 •19 min -
2022 •0 min -
1969 •0 min