In the '80s, alien Emily crash-lands near the quaint town of Edmonton, desperate to find the enigmatic fuel "115." Stuck in a time loop, she relives her mission daily, struggling to blend in while searching for the elusive substance. Every morning, kindhearted JT offers Emily a r... Read all
- Dave H. Macon
- Dave H. Macon
- Ken Nemetchek
- Brandon Rhiness
- 8TS Films
In the '80s, alien Emily crash-lands near the quaint town of Edmonton, desperate to find the enigmatic fuel "115." Stuck in a time loop, she relives her mission daily, struggling to blend in while searching for the elusive substance. Every morning, kindhearted JT offers Emily a ride, and she glimpses something special in him that others overlook. As her encounters wit... Read all
2021 •91 min -
2016 •92 min -
1969 •1 min -
2014 •11 min