Set in a village in Northeastern Thailand, "Panya Raenu" is a story of friendship and dream that centers on a young boy named Panya who has a talent to sing, but who is too poor to afford a...
- Bin Bunluerit
Set in a village in Northeastern Thailand, "Panya Raenu" is a story of friendship and dream that centers on a young boy named Panya who has a talent to sing, but who is too poor to afford a local music contest. However, with his endeavor and the support from friends, Panya becomes determined to win while at the same time fending off the advances of a chubby girl named Raenu. One day, a bus carrying students from the capital breaks down near their village and the rich city kids have to spend the night with the rural poor ones.
2007 •95 min -
2010 •85 min -
2008 •108 min -
2003 •97 min