Netflix Movies Starring Adam Bucci

ADAM BUCCI BIOGRAPHY (April 1, 2016) Adam Bucci grew up in a multi-generational military family. Born in Fort Campbell, Kentucky--the son of a West Point Cadet and a very artistic mother, Bucci's father's side consisted of every branch of the military, and mother's prophetically--every branch of the arts. He delicately balanced visual arts with athletics through his younger years and into high school. And although he has one vivid middle school memory of seeing the film "Romeo and Juliet" and wanting to be an "actor like Leo," Bucci also felt a minor pull towards the military which would quickly subside. And as military families do, he would eventually move and ultimately found himself a young man growing up in New Jersey, only thirty minutes outside of New York City. He was incrementally inspired by the thrill of Broadway, and the acting bug would continue to grow with each theatrical performance he viewed. Read more on iMDB