Netflix Movies Starring Derek Solorsano

Derek Solorsano was born November 23rd 1981. He was raised by his single mother and half-older brother and sister in a house on the south-side of Chicago, Illinois. As a child he never had much but always dreamed of being a talented actor by participating in talent shows and mimicking movies in front of his family. It wasn't until after he served in the military and explored different career opportunities that he moved to Phoenix, Arizona and started pursuing acting as a career. He became an extra in the movie Kingdom and it was at that moment that he realized acting was his calling. "This is why God put me here, to entertain," says Derek. After intense training at the school of hard knocks, he started to land supporting and starring roles in independent and student films. Those films gave him a taste of what it's like to be the focus in front of the camera rather than in the background. Read more on iMDB