Netflix Movies Starring Dwight Ewell
Dwight Edward Ewell is an American actor. Dwight was born in the small southern town of Williamston, N.C. to teen-aged parents. His father fought in Vietnam and served six years in the United States Military while his mother took care of him and his younger sister. Unhappy in her marriage, at 21 years old Dwight's mother took the children up North where she felt that she could begin pursuing her career as a singer. The three moved several times before ending up in the rough Stella Wright Housing Projects on Prince St. Dwight and his sister attended the Louise A. Spencer Elementary School in Newark. In later years Dwight was enrolled in The Gifted and Talented Program in the same school. It was there that his interest in the Arts was nurtured. At the age of 9 he began writing plays that the teachers would allow him to direct and the students to perform. Read more on iMDB