Netflix Movies Starring Georges Aminel

Born Jacques Maline (Aminel being an anagram of his second name), Geroges Aminel was born to a Parisian mother and a father from Martinique. Being biracial would prove a never-ending problem for someone who aspired to become a great name of the theatre. Georges Aminel started his career very early, at the tender age of 19, as a dumb Polynesian in a 1941 play titled 'Faux Jour'. But all he got for years were minor ethnic roles such an old Negro, an Arab, a Jew, a fanatic native ..., which left him dissatisfied. In 1954 at last he was given the more rewarding part of Bistouri, a Black doctor, in Yves Jamiaque's 'Bistouri'. Acclaimed by the critic, he was later chosen by Jean-Louis Barrault who cast him in classics like 'Le soulier de satin', 'Madame Sans Gêne' and in Shakespeare's 'Henry IV', where he was an impressive Duke of York. Read more on iMDB