4.3 5 8,585

  • Destin Daniel Cretton
  • Production Companies
  • Animal Kingdom
  • Traction Media

At a foster-care facility for at-risk teenagers, Grace is a young counselor trying to do her best for kids who often have been pulled from the worst kinds of home situations. Even then, life is not easy as Grace and her colleagues care for kids who are too often profoundly scarred, even as they try to have lives of their own. Now, things are coming to a head as Grace readies for marriage even as some her charges are coming to major turning points in their lives. To cope, Grace will have to make difficult perceptions and decisions that could put her career, and more importantly her charges, at dire risk. —Kenneth Chisholm (kchishol@rogers.com)strong female characterteenagerself harmsuicide attemptstrong female lead176 morePlot summaryPlot synopsisTaglinesSupport them. Take care of them. But don't become their friend.GenreDramaMotion Picture Rating (MPAA)Rated R for language and brief sexualityParents guide


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