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Condemned to a miserable life of prostitution, addiction, and abuse, the young streetwalker, Bunny, spends her days fishing for customers in exchange for drugs and alcohol. In desperate need of help, while stuck in a perpetual loop of dependency, the drug-addled woman finds herself hopelessly trapped in a bleak world of self-degradation, unable to feed her immeasurable addictions. As a result, this vicious cycle will eventually lead Bunny to the brutal semi-truck driver, Hog, who kidnaps her in broad daylight, and then, chains her up in the back of his dark trailer. Now, hell-bent on breaking Bunny's will, the pitiless tormentor has all the time in the world to submit his helpless prey to unfathomable physical and mental tortures which aim to dehumanize her, and, ultimately, destroy her. Then, when the grisly "Bunny Games" are over, the body will be stripped of the soul. Has anyone ever escaped from the clutches of Hog? —Nick Riganasprostitutesadistbound in chainsmisogynysexual violence199 morePlot summaryAdd synopsisTaglinesBreathe.GenreHorrorCertificateNot RatedParents guide


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